Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prepping for PSLE

It was a tough year being in P5, and we are looking into this year as an even tougher one with the PSLE.

Yes, I may be one of the kiasu parents we always hear of in Singapore. But can you blame me? I'm just a mom who wants her children to do well in their academics to pave way for a better future. I think that's what most, if not all, parents want. Well, at least I know that's what my parents wanted for me and my brother way back when we were schooling.

In preparation for my son's PSLE, I've been doing some reading on to improve some of his skills. Fortunately, I got hold of the flier for the PSLE Guide for Parents magazines. It's a big help indeed. There are a lot of tips and tricks from reliable/famous institutions as well as from students who did well in previous PSLEs.

I got discounted rates for 2 volumes (Volume 2 2011-2012 and Volume1 2010) for only $20 (original price ($24).

Some of the topics in the magazines are as follows:

  • Boost creative writing skills
  • Bright ideas for maths
  • English comprehension strategies
  • Mind the science textbook gap
  • Top scorers secrets revealed
  • Ultimate PSLE preparation
  • Boost your child's problem solving skills
  • Top scorers How to they do it?
  • Oral exam tips and tricks
I will be sharing some of the articles in the magazine in another blog. Hopefully, what I (and my son) have read in these magazines can be put into action. My son is not attending any tuition centres to help him prepare for his PSLE, except for his tutor in Mother Tongue (which I couldn't help him with).

They are already in week 2 of the school year. Homeworks abound. Remedial and supplementary classes have already been scheduled (that means more time spent in school). Workbooks and assessment papers are all arranged neatly in the bookshelf. Are we ready??? I hope we are!

This should be a good year for my son, and the rest of the cohort. It's year of the dragon. It's THEIR year! So let me end by saying, bring it on. They can do it!

Positive thinking helps :)

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