Thursday, April 19, 2012

Secrets of a top-scoring student.... SECRET 6

(the final secret)
Physical Conditioning
  • you cannot study well if you are not in good health

  1. SLEEP 
    • have adequate sleep to maintain good attention span to absorb information
    • wait till you are completely refreshed and alert before doing the assignment
    • keep the routine by going to bed at around the same time everyday. This allows your body to adjust and allows you to fall asleep more easily.
    • quality of food consumed affects our physical and emotional states
    • have regular meals
    • cereal bars
    • have constant supply of carbohydrates to keep yourself alert
    • have balanced meals (carbohydrates, protein, some fats, abundant fruits and vegetables). Blend fruits and vegetables.
    • avoid too much salt, sugar, oil (chocolates and potato chips). These cause detrimental health effects and may contribute to increased stress and agitation levels.
  3. Stay in form: EXERCISE REGULARLY
    • keep fit and healthy in order to study effectively
    • those who exercise regularly have significant higher concentration levels than those who do not
    • exercise helps you to sleep better
    • exercise improves your mood
    • exercise helps to strengthen the immune system and keep illnesses at bay
    • exercise can be fun and is also a form of leisure
    • exercise in an integral part of a top-scoring student's success
    • a controlled level of stress is beneficial to our academic performance
    • STRESS = our body's reaction when we are faced with people and circumstances which are not from our familiar surroundings. It's our body's way of responding to challenges we are faced with.
    • positive effects of stress
      • body produces more adrenalin which makes us more alert and ready for battle. Concentration levels increase. Combative mood to overcome the problem.
How to stimulate your biological system to greater extent
  • attempt more challenging academic exercises
  • read more than what is being tested to enlarge your learning horizon
  • try to reformulate questions and change the given factors
Reduce stress levels
  • have sufficient rest
  • have nutritional meals
  • talk about your problems with your teachers, classmates or close ones. This lessens the emotional load.
  • remain confident in all circumstances. Think positive and you become stronger.
  • exercise regularly
  • do not take on more than you can handle
  • do stress-relieving activities like listening to music, meditation or deep breathing
  • define your own goals and decide what you really want in life


There is no real success without hardwork.

Scoring at exams is important, but the acquisition of knowledge is even more important.

Understanding and good grades go hand-in-hand. It's only in understanding the content that we can really score well at exams.

Source: Secrets of a Top-Scoring Student (by Linus Tham)

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